Paléorient 41.2
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Garantie Isleden
Paléorient, 40 ans par O. Lebrun et A-m. Tillier
M. Benz K. Deckers, C. Rössner, A. Alexandrovskiy, K. Pustovoytov, M. Scheeres, M. Fecher, A. Coskun, S. Riehl, K.W. Alt and V. Özkaya, Prelude to village life. Environmental data and building traditions of the Epipalaeolithic settlement at Körtik Tepe, Southeastern Turkey
H. Hilbert, V.I. Usik, C.S. Galletti, M.W. Morley, A. Parton, L. Clark-Balzan, J.-L. Schwenninger, L.P. Linnenlucke, R.G. Roberts, Z. Jacobs and J.I. Rose, Archaeological evidence for indigenous human occupation of Southern Arabia at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition: The case of al-Hatab Dhofar, Southern Oman
M. Bialowarczuk, Experimental reconstruction of Late Neolithic local quartz exploitation in the Arabian Gulf. New discoveries from Bahra 1, Kuwait, an Ubaid-related site
A. Smith, P.J. Graham and G. Stein, Ubaid plant use at Tell Zeidan, Syria
M. Arimura and A. Suleiman?, A cultural unity in the Neolithic of Northwestern Syria: Tell Ain Dara III, a PPNB site in the Afrin Valley
V. Eshed and D.Nadel, Changes in burial customs from the Pre-Pottery to the Pottery Neolithic periods in the Levant: The case-study of Tel Roim West, North Israel
A. Soltysiak, A.Wiercinska and S.K. Kozlowski, Human remains from Nemrik, Iraq. An insight into living conditions and burial customs in a Pre-Pottery Neolithic village
M. Heydari, H. Fazeli Nashli, E. Cortesi and M. Vidale, A preliminary surface collection at Chegerdak, a Bronze age centre in the Jazmurian basin (Southeastern Iran)
Droit de réponse
C. Marro, V. Bakhshaliyev and R. Berthon, On the genesis of the Kura-Araxes phenomenon: New evidence from Nakhchivan . A reply to C. Chataigner and G. Palumbi (Paléorient 40.2: 247-260)
C. Chataigner and G. Palumbi, Answer to the reply
East X. Leuven: Peeters (Ancient Near Eastern Studies Supplement Series 44). Par L. Gourichon
Marro C. (ed.) 2012. After the Ubaid: Interpreting change from the Caucasus to Mesopotamia at the dawn of urban civilization (4500-3500 BC). Paris : De Boccard Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes Georges - umézil, Istanbul (Varia Anatolica XXVII). 439 p. /Par G. Stein
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- Revues & Séries
- Date de parution
- 07/01/2016