Twinkle Twinkle ABC
Format BrochéAuteur : Barney Saltzberg

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Garantie Isleden
Veteran children's book author and singer/
songwriter Barney Saltzberg combines his
powers to create a classic sing-aloud book with
enduring appeal! Though 'Twinkle, Twinkle, Little
Star' and 'The Alphabet Song' follow the same
exact tune, never before has a children's book
mashed up these two quintessential songs of
childhood. The lyrics are seamlessly woven
together and enriched with cameos by highflying
birds, a twirling cow, a growling bear, a
banjo, and a tree swaying in the wind. Benaglia's
masterful illustrative whimsy brings a Seussian
feel and a visual narrative that leads the reader
right ... into ... bed.