The contributive company
Format BrochéAuteur : Fabrice Bonnifet, Céline Puff Ardichvili

Livraison à Mayotte tout compris

Retours et SAV simplifiés

Garantie Isleden
Foreword by Céline Guivarch, an economist at CIRED (Centre for International Research on the Environment and Development) specialising in the economic implications of climate change, and co-author of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report.
&ldquoHave Fabrice and Céline come up with a definition of the ideal company &ndash the contributive company? Readers can decide for themselves, but one thing is certain: the need for that recipe has never been so urgent!&rdquo Jean-Marc Jancovici, president of The Shift Project
&ldquoGeneration Greta aren't the only ones seeking meaning in their lives. If you open this book, it will open your eyes. It serves up plenty of solutions, so help yourselves!&rdquo Jean-Dominique Siegel, co-fonder of WE DEMAIN
&ldquoThis book sets out a vision and a blueprint for truly exemplary companies and should be an inspiration to us all.&rdquo Éric Scotto, Chairman of Akuo Energy
&ldquoThis is an important book that will serve as a reference, providing entrepreneurs,
finance professionals, employees and citizens with the tools to reflect on and engage in the necessary transitions towards a more sustainable and inclusive society.&rdquo Fanny Picard, founder and CEO of Alter Equity
&ldquoIn order to drive change towards a contributive model, leaders must engage people at every level: shareholders, employees, stakeholders, regulators and policymakers. This book will enlighten them, before a common framework is introduced to bring lasting change.&rdquo
Éva Sadoun, Co-chair of the Impact France Mouvement
- Format
- Broché
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- Date de parution
- 23/08/2023